Quantum computer is a kind of physical device that follows the laws of quantum mechanics, performs high-speed mathematical and logical operations, stores and processes quantum information. In a broad sense, a device can be called a quantum computer when it processes and calculates quantum information and runs quantum algorithms.Weather forecast: If we use quantum computer to analyze all the information at the same time and get the results, then we can know the exact trend of weather changes, thus avoiding a lot of economic losses.Returning to the capital market, the breakthrough of Google's quantum computing is the same as a sudden technical breakthrough before, and it is difficult to produce a sustained rise after news stimulation. Unless we can see the realization of commercialization expectations in the future, then this imagination space will be enormous.
Market aspectWe also talked about the market in detail. Here, we can refer to the trend after October 8. Because it is mild here, the downward adjustment here will not be too deep, and there is no need to worry too much. After all, after 10.8 days, it is a big triangle accumulation, which has been accumulated for nearly two months. This breakthrough will definitely not end so soon.What is a quantum computer? What are the advantages? What are the application scenarios? What about the future?
I believe that if the quantum computer can be commercialized in the future, it is expected to be no less than the new energy vehicle, which is a historic moment for the whole computer industry.Market aspectSmall-cap stocks were generally active in the market yesterday, while the heavyweights were generally weak. In fact, it was mainly because Tuesday's gains were generally high and low, and most heavyweights came out to take advantage of the trend of good shipments, so it was completely understandable that they were not strong.